
Zobrazených 37–48 z 177 výsledkov

  • Best of Bahrain

    Best of Bahrain Volume 1

    Obsah: 4 Spots, Al Baraka Bankig Group, Ali Sharaf Photography, Aluminium Bahrain, Bahrain Exhibition and Convention Authority, Bahrain House of Photography…

    12,30 Pridať do košíka
  • Bratislava zväzok 8-9

    Bratislava zväzok 8-9

    Obsah: Štúdie- Príprava, priebeh a výsledky volieb v Bratislave roku 1971, Reťaz primátora hlavného mesta SSR Bratislavy, Nálezy stredodunajskej mohylovej kultúry na Devíne,..

    9,50 Pridať do košíka
  • City Cracker

    City Cracker

    City Cracker is a work of love, crafted by local city makers and observers together with enthusiasts, photographers, and verbal tap dancers. Our tips are just the tip of an iceberg, don’t let us limit your curious mind.

    1,20 Pridať do košíka
  • Okres Košice vidiek

    Okres Košice vidiek

    Publikácia ponúka opis rázovitého kúsku našej domoviny a Východoslovenského kraja s mnohými jedinečnými pozoruhodnosťami. Charakterizujú ho najmä vzácna príroda s ojedinelými fenoménmi…

    3,20 Pridať do košíka
  • Kežmarok: Perla pod Tatrami

    Kežmarok: Perla pod Tatrami

    Farebná obrazová publikácia venovaná mestu Kežmarok a jeho okoliu. Sprievodný text v slovenčine, angličtine a nemčine.

    4,20 Pridať do košíka
  • The Zero Marginal Cost Society

    The Zero Marginal Cost Society

    New York Times bestselling author Jeremy Rifkin explores how today’s unprecedented interconnectedness is making core institutions such as private property, democracy, and national boundaries irrelevant-and explains what will replace them. We are, Rifkin says, entering a world beyond markets where we are learning how to live together collaboratively and sustainably.
    4,30 Pridať do košíka
  • People as Merchandise

    People as Merchandise

    Do not read thi book unless you want to become a world-class headhunter. If you want to make significant improvements in your recruitment results and become a member of the top, world headhunters, follow this unorthodox LinkedIn recruitment guide.

    4,20 Pridať do košíka
  • The Wordsworth Dictionary of Dreams

    The Wordsworth Dictionary of Dreams

    Dreams have variously inspired and haunted kings, poets, inventors, artists, musicians, statesmen and others since the dawn of recorded experience. Gustavus Hindman Miller’s Dictionary of Dreams first appeared in 1909…

    2,40 Pridať do košíka
  • Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing

    Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing

    Anatomy of the Spirit is the boldest presentation to date of energy medicine by one of its premier practitioners, internationally acclaimed medical intuitive Caroline Myss, one of the „hottest new voices in the alternative health/spirituality scene“ (Publishers Weekly).

    6,60 Pridať do košíka
  • Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling

    Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling

    The American Association of Christian Counselors and Tyndale House Publishers are committed to ministering to the spiritual needs of people. This book is part of the professional series that offers counselors the latest techniques, theory, and general information that is vital to their work.

    6,50 Pridať do košíka
  • Russian/Soviet and Western Psychiatry

    Russian/Soviet and Western Psychiatry

    Reflects the prevailing tradition of Soviet psychiatry up to the present as seen through Western eyes, including Soviet criticism of the Western approach. Covers such topics as the concept of mental illness…
    29,00 Pridať do košíka
  • Krajem našich elektráren, the landscape of our power plants

    Krajem našich elektráren. The landscape of our power plants

    Obsah: Klasická tepelná energetika/ The classic thermal power industry, Jaderná energetika/ The nuclear power industry, Využití vodní energie/ The utilisation of hydro-energy, Využití větrné energie/ Wind power, Autoatlas/ Road atlas

    3,90 Pridať do košíka