The World According to Clarkson
Jeremy Clarkson shares his opinions on just about everything in The World According to Clarkson. Jeremy Clarkson has seen rather more of the world than most. He has, as they say, been around a bit.
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Jeremy Clarkson shares his opinions on just about everything in The World According to Clarkson. Jeremy Clarkson has seen rather more of the world than most. He has, as they say, been around a bit.
With a brilliant comic voice as well as Jane Austen’s penchant for social satire, Candace Bushnell, who with Sex and the City changed forever how we view New York City, female friendships, and the love of a good pair of Manolos…
An extraordinary mixture of adventure story and guide to self-knowledge, this book recounts the spectacular trials of Paulo and his mentor, Petrus, as they journey across Spain in search of a miraculous sword.
On her wildly popular blog, Inspiralized, Ali Maffucci is revolutionizing healthy eating. Whether you’re low-carb, gluten-free, Paleo, or raw, you don’t have to give up the foods you love. Inspiralized shows you how to transform more than 20 vegetables…
Eliza and Martha are sisters. But that’s where the similarity ends. Martha appears to have the perfect life: two lovely children and plenty of money. Eliza lives in a one-bedroom flat with her musician boyfriend Greg. When Eliza ditches Greg and turns up on her sister’s doorstep, she expects to be swallowed into the sanctuary of Martha’s warm loving home.
Sing-along to all your favourite Disney songs. Follow the words in the book as you listen to the CD, then turn back to the start of the book as the CD plays again. This time, sing along to the magical Disney songs! You’ll soon know them off by heart.
Táto učebnica anglického jazyka s CD je určená nielen tým, ktorí sa ešte len začínajú učiť anglicky, ale aj všetkým, ktorí si chcú svoje znalosti angličtiny oživiť.
Publikácia ponúka opis rázovitého kúsku našej domoviny a Východoslovenského kraja s mnohými jedinečnými pozoruhodnosťami. Charakterizujú ho najmä vzácna príroda s ojedinelými fenoménmi a jej blahodarným rekreačným využitím a relaxačným pôsobením na pracujúceho človeka, zachovaný typický ľudový folklór a umenie vysokej kultúrnej a úžitkovej hodnoty v každodennom živote aj súčasného človeka.
„I’m sorry“ is one of the hardest things to know how to say. This lovely, sensitive picture book can help show kids the power of these two simple words. Having a best friend makes life so much better. But even best friends fight, and when that happens, „I’m sorry“ can feel impossible to say.
Postreh autora a šošovka fotoaparátu ponúka v územne i obsahovo širokom zábere pohľad na tento kraj spanilej krásy, rušných historických udalostí, kultúrnych hodnôt, ľudových tradícií i revolučných počinov.
1925 výrazov zo stavebnej mechaniky a príbuzných odborov v piatich jazykoch.