
Zobrazených 97–108 z 177 výsledkov

  • Making the World Work Better

    Making the World Work Better

    Presents the history of IBM and the influence that it has had on American industry, examining its pivotal role in the mid twentieth-century development of computer technology.
    7,50 Pridať do košíka
  • Australia


    Australians will seize on just about any excuse for a celebration, and while you’re visiting this country it only makes sense to follow the light-hearted, self-indulgent lead of its inhabitants. The year gets off to a champagne-swilling start when fireworks explode high above Sydney Harbour on New Year’s Eve.

    12,50 Pridať do košíka
  • Otův golfník poučný

    Otův golfník poučný

    Golf je velice úzce svázán se specifickou anglickou terminologií, která často činí problémy nejen začátečníkům, ale do rozpaků může přivést i zkušenější hráče. Na internetu sice lze nalézt řadu stránek s golfovými slovníky, ale pravděpodobně žádný z nich nebude tak rozsáhlý, jako Otův golfník poučný.

    5,90 Pridať do košíka
  • Pompeii


    A sweltering week in late August. Where better to enjoy the last days of summer than on the beautiful Bay of Naples? But even as Rome’s richest citizens relax in their villas around Pompeii and Herculaneum, there are ominous warnings that something is going wrong.

    4,50 Pridať do košíka
  • Seeing What's Next: Using Theories of Innovation to Predict Industry Change

    Seeing What’s Next: Using Theories of Innovation to Predict Industry Change

    Every day, individuals take action based on how they believe innovation will change industries. Yet these beliefs are largely based on guesswork and incomplete data and lead to costly errors in judgment.

    9,50 Pridať do košíka
  • Negotiate Wisely in Business and Technology

    Negotiate Wisely in Business and Technology

    The book is a practical primer for business leaders, negotiators, and sales people on the art and science of negotiations. The book takes a building block approach to negotiations using real world examples…

    7,90 Pridať do košíka
  • Position of the Day

    Position of the Day

    In the wake of the successful „Position of the Day“ comes this new playbook featuring 365 new erotic scenarios packed into one deeply inspiring, and hilarious compendium.
    4,40 Pridať do košíka
  • Zľava! Tatry rozprávajú - Vladimír Babnič

    Tatry rozprávajú

    Obrazová publikácia o Tatrách väčšieho formátu s množstvom čiernobielych a farebných fotografií.

    Original price was: 3,50€.Current price is: 2,20€. Pridať do košíka
  • Zľava! Dóm sv. Alžbety v Košiciach- Frický

    Dóm sv. Alžbety v Košiciach

    Národná kultúrna pamiatka.

    Original price was: 4,80€.Current price is: 2,20€. Pridať do košíka
  • Zľava! Toledo: heritage of mankind- Jose Luis Diaz Segovia

    Toledo: heritage of mankind

    Turistický sprievodca po Tolede v anglickom jazyku.

    Original price was: 5,50€.Current price is: 4,20€. Pridať do košíka
  • Zľava! Surviving Schizophrenia: A Manual for Families, Consumers, and Providers- E. Fuller Torrey

    Surviving Schizophrenia: A Manual for Families, Consumers, and Providers

    Since its first publication in 1983, Surviving Schizophrenia has become the standard reference book on the disease and has helped thousands of patients, their families, and mental health professionals. In clear language, this much-praised and important book describes the nature, causes, symptoms, treatment, and course of schizophrenia and also explores living with it from both the patient’s and the family’s point of view.

    Original price was: 5,40€.Current price is: 4,40€. Pridať do košíka
  • Zľava! The Void- Frank Close

    The Void

    What is the void? What remains when you take all the matter away? Can empty Space–nothing–exist? To answer these questions, eminent scientist Frank Close takes us on a lively and accessible journey that ranges from ancient ideas and cultural superstitions…

    Original price was: 12,00€.Current price is: 4,60€. Pridať do košíka