
Zobrazuje sa všetkych 12 výsledkov

  • 43 Mistakes Businesses Make...and How to Avoid Them

    43 Mistakes Businesses Make…and How to Avoid Them (signed by the author)

    43 Mistakes is Duncan Bannatyne’s guide to the common traps people in business fall into, and how to stay out of them. Imagine you had your very own personal business adviser, who could give you the benefit…

    15,00 Pridať do košíka
  • Zľava! Becoming a Master Manager: A Competing Values Approach

    Becoming a Master Manager: A Competing Values Approach

    This fifth edition emphasizes the importance of developing management skills or admitted that learning about management concepts was not the same as learning how to apply those concepts in practice. It is built on a solid foundation of theory and empirical evidence that provides a compelling case for why specific competencies are important.

    Original price was: 12,30€.Current price is: 4,80€. Pridať do košíka
  • Dragons' Den: Success from Pitch to Profit

    Dragons‘ Den: Success from Pitch to Profit

    Learn how to be a success from the business lessons of the Dragons and the financial advice of Evan Davis. Britain’s best loved business brains ?Duncan Bannatyne, Deborah Meaden…

    4,50 Pridať do košíka
  • Zľava! Managing a Nonprofit- John Riddle, Tere Drenth

    Managing a Nonprofit

    Packed with information, illustrations, graphs, forms, and worksheets, the Streetwise „RM“ books provide everything business-people need to get up and running in the fast lane.

    Original price was: 9,50€.Current price is: 7,30€. Pridať do košíka
  • Negotiate Wisely in Business and Technology

    Negotiate Wisely in Business and Technology

    The book is a practical primer for business leaders, negotiators, and sales people on the art and science of negotiations. The book takes a building block approach to negotiations using real world examples…

    7,90 Pridať do košíka
  • Zľava! Počítač pro živnostníky a podnikatele

    Počítač pro živnostníky a podnikatele

    Podnikáte, víte, že počítač vám může urychlit a usnadnit práci, ale nevíte jak? Autor vám to velmi rychle objasní a naučí vás vydělávat s počítačem. Budete umět psát a upravovat dokumenty ve Wordu, připravovat ceníky a rozpočty, fakturovat nebo počítat splátky a leasing v Excelu, komunikovat se zákazníky a plánovat čas v Outlooku, používat Internet, prezentovat výsledky podnikání v PowerPointu a mnoho dalšího.

    Original price was: 3,30€.Current price is: 0,50€. Pridať do košíka
  • Powerful

    Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility

    Named by The Washington Post as one of the 11 Leadership Books to Read in 2018 When it comes to recruiting, motivating, and creating great teams, Patty McCord says most companies have it all wrong.

    4,70 Pridať do košíka
  • Seeing What's Next: Using Theories of Innovation to Predict Industry Change

    Seeing What’s Next: Using Theories of Innovation to Predict Industry Change

    Every day, individuals take action based on how they believe innovation will change industries. Yet these beliefs are largely based on guesswork and incomplete data and lead to costly errors in judgment.

    9,50 Pridať do košíka
  • Zľava! Successful Marketing Strategies For Nonprofit Organizations

    Successful Marketing Strategies For Nonprofit Organizations

    In Successful Marketing Strategies for Nonprofit Organizations, nonprofit marketing guru Barry J. McLeish shares everything he’s learned during more than two decades managing and consulting nonprofits of every shape and size. Skipping all the arcane theory and the business school jargon, he gives you clear, step-by-step advice…

    Original price was: 17,00€.Current price is: 6,40€. Pridať do košíka
  • Zľava! The Nonprofit Board Answer Book: A Practical Guide for Board Members and Chief Executives

    The Nonprofit Board Answer Book: A Practical Guide for Board Members and Chief Executives

    An essential guide to good governance for board leaders at all levels of experience and expertise. This second edition of the bestselling book for nonprofit board members and professionals offers a thoroughly revised and updated resource that answers the most-commonly asked question on board governance.

    Original price was: 14,00€.Current price is: 5,30€. Pridať do košíka
  • Who Says Elephants Can't Dance

    Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance

    Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance? sums up Lou Gerstner’s historic business achievement, bringing IBM back from the brink of insolvency to lead the computer business once again.Offering a unique case study drawn from decades of experience at some of America’s top companies — McKinsey…

    5,70 Pridať do košíka
  • Základy drobného podnikání

    Základy drobného podnikání

    Z knihy se dozvíte kdy a jak podnikat, jak začít a jak vést svou firmu k úspěchu, jak si vybírat spolupracovníky a jak získat přehled o postavení vaší firmy v konkurenčním prostředí.

    2,50 Pridať do košíka